Again some miniatures, that you might have already seen before at Kauzenburg or on the net.
The Rebel Alliance Commando Squad was the first unit I finished for SWMB. In preparation of the Kauzenburg I redid the basing and added some fern and mushrooms to the bases. My plan is to paint 2 more commandos so I can play them as 2 squads with 5 soldiers.
The Rebel Alliance Commando Squad was the first unit I finished for SWMB. In preparation of the Kauzenburg I redid the basing and added some fern and mushrooms to the bases. My plan is to paint 2 more commandos so I can play them as 2 squads with 5 soldiers.

Of course these guys are not "Emperor's Finest". I imagined them as some kind of local system garrison of a retarded planet somewhere in the Outer Rim. Forgotten by the Empire, they started feeling comfortable and let themselves a bit down.

Whereas the AT-PT is an original Grenadier model, the AT-ST was a plastic toy I found at the attic. It was originally produced by Action Fleet/Galoob, but matches perfectly with the 25mm miniatures.

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