I didn't get much hobbying done in the last couple of weeks but once more realized how much I love the miniatures gaming hobby.
My 3-year-old is a real nosy-parker when I'm painting miniatures and usually riddles me with questions if she catches me in the act. Her curiosity was the perfect excuse to visit Hamburg's
Miniatur Wunderland ("Miniature Wonderland", the world's largest model railroad layout) with the family.
Just as I hoped, 1.499m² of miniature landscape didn't just inspire my future projects but left its mark on my daughter.
Having confirmed that she actually likes miniatures, we wasted no time, picked some
"knights" from our local Games Workshop and went to work. Following her orders we primed the miniatures green and red and then she went on painting all the details with colours of her choice. Once she had practiced some drybrushing we washed the entire miniatures with Agrax Earthshade. The little one was super excited and did a tremendous job here. We painted the miniatures in two one-hour sessions and she stayed focussed all the time and really seemed to enjoy this experience.

So, this is her final result and I really love it. Proud father speaking here, so these might actually be far worse than I think they are but I was seriously surprised at how commited she was to paint these well. Although Age of Sigmar hasn't been on my radar so far, I might have to look into it now. The rules are free and Jamuary and February White Dwarfs just feaured an AoS Skirmish campaign that might be exactly the right scenario for future gaming sessions. I'll keep you updated.